Weekly Wrap Bouquet Subscription


Weekly Wrap Bouquet Subscription

from $45.00

Alert! Alert! -- This wrap subscription DOES NOT automatically come with a bouquet, it is just the subscription & is great as an add on to another floral arrangement/gift. If you want the subscription to be with a weekly 10$ bouquet you must select that option and pay for the wrap!

This tiny card packs a big punch! How does it work? Each week we feature a wrap bouquet. Floral variety & stem counts are constantly changing -- which makes each week's unveiling all the more exciting. Weekly selections are posted on our social media accounts: Facebook, & Instagram. Not on social media? No problem! Just provide us with the recipient's email in the notes section & the weekly wrap bouquet email will land in their inbox. The recipient of the subscription will simply present the card at the time of pickup to be punched for no-hassle shopping! Give the gift that keeps on giving!

We will package the card in an adorable S&G stamped bag with a handwritten note {with a message of your choosing} along with a description of the Weekly Wrap Program. The recipient will then be responsible for picking up bouquets on subsequent weeks of their choosing, meaning, they can pick & choose the weeks they want to participate.

Photography & Styling by Rohana Olson Photography.

If you would like your gift shipped via USPS be sure to select “USPS shipping” at check-out. If you select to have the wrap subscription sent with a bouquet, we cannot send it via USPS. You must select the appropriate location for hand delivery service.

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